Friday, October 26, 2007

Parties send condolences to JK and Mbatia`s family

The Late Hon. Salome Mbatia, Deputy Minister for Community Development, Gender and Children.

The ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Secretary General, Yusuph Makamba, yesterday sent condolence message to President Jakaya Kikwete and his cabinet following the death of Salome Mbatia, deputy minister for Community Development, Gender and Children.

The late Mbatia was killed on Wednesday evening in a car accident at Kibena in Njombe District while heading to Songea from Iringa after the vehicle she was traveling in was involved in a head-on-collision.

In a statement he issued in Dar es Salaam yesterday, he said the death of Mbatia had left a gap not only in the government, but also in the party and the community at large.

Makamba said the deceased would be remembered for her contribution to the party`s prosperity, hard work and the love she showed to all people.

Apart from being a Special Seats legislator, the late Mbatia served as the party`s Economic and Finance Secretary and National Executive Committee member. Mbatia was also to contest for a NEC seat in the next month party polls in Dodoma.

The deceased was awarded a Degree in Personnel Administration in the Netherlands in 1982. In between 1982 and 1983 she undertook an M.A. in Management in the US.

She also once worked as Finance and Planning deputy minister before she was transferred to the Gender ministry as deputy minister, the position she held until her death.

Meanwhile the opposition Civic United Front (CUF) sent a message of condolence to President Kikwete, Speaker of the National Assembly Samwel Sitta, ministers and the deceased�s family.

The statement issued by the party Vice Chairperson Machano Hamis Ally says, `CUF join hands to mourn the death of the leader who was in the forefront in championing for the rights of women, children and the community.`

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