Friday, October 26, 2007

Japan extends USD153,570 grant for girls` hostels

The Government of Japan has extended a USD 153,570 grant to Tanzania for the construction of a girls` hostel at Karema Secondary Schools in Mpanda, Rukwa and the expansion of the Rusesa Health Care in Kasulu, Kigoma.

Speaking during the signing ceremony in Dar es Salaam on Tuesday, the Ambassador of Japan to Tanzania, Mkoto Ito, said the grant will be in a two project scheme through Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGHSP).

`The first project will be a USD71,257 grant for the construction of the hostel and purchase of beds for Karema Secondary School. The amount will be channeled through to Mpanda District Council,` said the envoy.

Ito emphasized on the importance of girls` hostels in secondary schools especially in rural areas, recognizing that some district councils and communities know the importance of improving schoolgirls` learning environment.

The ambassador said the hostels will help improve performance in the national exams as they will be spending most of their time in studies.

`I am very encouraged by efforts of Mpanda District Council to drill a borehole for reliable water supply in the school acquire. This will improve the learning environment of students at the school` he added.

The second project will be the expansion of the Rusesa Health Care in Kasulu, Kigoma who will receive a grant worth USD82,313 to save for development and relief association.

According to Ito the amount will facilitate the construction of maternity wards and staff house, purchase of medical equipment and solar power installation in the health center.

`Health and Medical care is one of the essential sectors in need of improvement, for the 65,000 resident in Buyoga Division. We will support the construction of a maternity ward to reduce congestion of pregnant women and infants,` he added

Ito said the new facilities will provide better and more reliable medical services to communities around the area.

`I am pleased to learn that in both projects, communities willy fully participate in the implementation through labor and some local materials` he said

Speaking at the ceremony, Save for Development and Relief Association (SADERA), Executive Secretary Gerald Nkona, said that the construction of the maternity ward will greatly assist the provision of health services to Buyoga Division inhabitants.

Nkona said that the construction will enable the center function better in its role as a referral unit for Bugaga, Muzye, Kasangezi, Zeze Kwaga, Kalela, Kigogwe and Munzaze dispensaries.

According to Nkona, majority of patients from those dispensaries are referred to Kasulu District Hospital 40 kilometer away from the area.

Statistics indicate that infant mortality is high in the area and many babies are born at home because of distance and expenses involved in taking the expectant mother to and from the district hospital.

In his comments, Mpanda District Council representative, Othman Magehema said students in the region are forced to travel more than 36 kilometers to and from schools every day for lack of hostels.

`Many students therefore rent houses in the nearby villages, under conditions that are not conducive for studies, with the end results of serious problems like absenteeism and pregnancies for school girls` he said
Magehema said that the new hostel is planned to accommodate 128 students

`In future, we plan to extend the school facilities up to six hostels to accommodate a total of 640 students in order to provide good learning environment,` he said
GGHSP is a Japanese Government financial assistance facility for projects designed to meet the needs of the development countries

The scheme supports community-participatory projects proposed by such bodies as nongovernmental organization, local government authorities.

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