Sunday, October 28, 2007

Minister Sofia Simba improving in hospital

Community Development, Gender and Children Minister Sophia Simba

Community Development, Gender and Children Minister Sophia Simba, who is admitted at Hindul Mandal Hospital in Dar es Salaam since Friday, is improving.

``I am making a speedy recovery. I am thankful of thee medical staff for the relentless efforts to save my life because I was in a very poor condition when I was brought here as I was off balance,`` said the minister when visited at her hospital bed yesterday.

Minister Simba added: ``I felt dizzy and lost balance in the past and in order to reduce the severity of the problem I am fitted with a pacemaker.

Doctors are assuring me that I will make a full recovery after prolonged medication following intensifying faints in the past few months.

The minister`s health worsened a few moments after learning of the death of her deputy, Salome Mbatia, in a car crash in Njombe, on Wednesday.

Simba said: ``I was shocked when I got the news of her death in that fateful road accident.

She was really a hard working lady of a kind and one of our last discussions together was for women to attain 50 percent represe ntation in Parliament.``

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