Friday, October 26, 2007

Dar police seize 65 fake satellite dishes

Police yesterday seized 65 fake Eurostar satellite dishes

Police yesterday seized 65 fake Eurostar satellite dishes with an estimated street value of 9.7m/- at different spots along Msimbazi Street in Dar es Salaam`s bustling Kariakoo area.

Police sources said the seizure followed months of complaints from the manufacturer of the original dishes, whom they identified as Eurostar Communications LLC of Dubai.

The firm`s senior sales manager, Aloysius Sujet, intimated to The Guardian that they sought legal help from Patent and Trademark Attorney after they had realised that there was `dubious business` going on in Dar es Salaam where some crafty traders were importing fake Eurostar dishes from China and parading them as genuine ones.

Sujet said they became suspicious after the volume of their imports of the dishes dropped inexplicably from the previous 15 containers a month to zero at the moment.

Until we went to press yesterday, six people were being questioned at the Central Police Station in connection with the fake dishes that were on sale at the respective locations.

Investigations by The Guardian show that Kariakoo is flooded with all manner of fake imports, mainly electronic goods.

On Wednesday the Confederation of Tanzania Industries appealed to India and Far Eastern countries to institute restrictive measures to prevent the massive flow of fake products into Tanzania.

The confederation said it has launched an anti-counterfeit campaign in the wake of reports that most such products originate from China and India.

A combined force of police and Fair Competition Commission officers swung into action some two months ago in the city, impounding hundreds of millions of shillings` worth of counterfeit television sets, other electronic appliances and shoe polish.

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