Saturday, October 27, 2007

Dar bids Mbatia farewell

The body of former Deputy Minister for Community Development, Gender and Children Salome Mbatia, who died on Wednesday in a road accident, was flown yesterday to Msaranga Village in Kilimanjaro Region for burial.

In Dar es Salaam, President Jakaya Kikwete led thousands of mourners to pay last respects at Uganda Avenue, Oysterbay.

Other dignitaries who bid farewell to the former minister included retired presidents Ali Hassan Mwinyi and Benjamin Mkapa, Vice President Mohamed Shein and Zanzibar President Aman Abeid Karume.

Others were Prime Minister Edward Lowassa, former Prime Minister Fredrick Sumaye, Chief of Defense Forces Davis Mwamunyange, and Speaker of the National Assembly Samuel Sitta.

Crowds lined up to see her face for the last time, many shedding tears as solemn religious songs filled the air.

At around 10:41, the coffin, draped in the national flag, and carried by some deputy ministers, was placed into a military ambulance for the final journey towards Julius Nyerere International Airport.

Speaking to The Guardian soon after the plane flew to Kilimanjaro Airport at 11:38, the Minister of State in the Prime Minister`s Office (Parliamentary Affairs) Dr. Batilda Buriani, said Salome Mbatia�s death was a big blow.

`It came very fast. I was very much shocked, although I knew fully well that every body has to die at some point, but for this case, I was deeply grieved. Salome was a very hard working person. She pioneered many development projects like the Women`s Bank, which is already registered and will soon become operational,` said Dr. Buriani.

For his part, the Deputy Minister for Information, Culture and Sports, Daniel Nsanzugwanko, described the deceased as a person whose star was rising quite fast.

`Her death really shocked me. It was quite untimely. Salome loved people,` he said.

Referring to the increased number of road accidents involving government leaders, Nsanzugwanko called upon drivers to adhere to road regulations.

Salome Mbatia was a CCM member of parliament (special seats). President Jakaya Kikwete had appointed her as deputy minister in 2005.

She had previously served as the CCM national treasurer.

She was awarded a degree in Personal Administration in Netherlands in 1982 and later undertook her MA in Management in the United States.

She also held the post of deputy minister in the ministry of Planning before she was relocated to the position she held until her death.

Salome Mbatia and three other people died on Wednesday at Kibena in Njombe District when the car she was travelling in had a face to face collision with a lorry which was overloaded with timber.

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